Before the Dewan Rakyat’s morning session adjourned, Wan Ahmad Fayhsal was heard saying that he would not surrender in fighting for the issue before his microphone was cut off.

In the order paper, it said that Wan Ahmad Fayhsal’s reference to the letter had a detrimental effect not only on the individual or alleged mastermind but also on government officers who may be unfairly harmed by the baseless allegations.

Wan Fayshal is reported to have referred to the poison pen letter when debating the annual report of the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) for 2021 and 2022 in Dewan Rakyat earlier this month.

He had also named an Employee Provident Fund (EPF) employee with a high-ranking position for allegedly being involved in MAHB’s privatisation.

Source: Malay Mail