
Harga beras tempatan kekal

Kuala Lumpur: Kerajaan memberi jaminan harga beras tempatan kekal sekitar RM2.60 sekilogram dan tidak berlaku kenaikan. Menteri Pertanian dan Keterjaminan Makanan (KPKM), Datuk Seri Mohamad Sabu berkata, harga beras putih yang dilaporkan naik lima peratus itu adalah merujuk kepada beras import yang berkualiti tinggi. “Sekarang heboh mengenai beras putih naik harga lima peratus. Saya beri […]

Second largest batch of drugs in Japan’s history seized in Tokyo port – reports

TOKYO: The Japanese authorities have seized the second largest batch of synthetic drugs in the country’s history, weighing 700 kilograms (1,543 pounds), in the port of Tokyo, reported Sputnik quoting Japanese media on Wednesday. The powder, which later turned out to be synthetic drugs, was found in containers delivered to the Tokyo port on a cargo […]

Indonesia’s Bali issues new rules for foreign visitors amid rising misbehaviours

JAKARTA: New obligations and prohibitions are being introduced for international visitors on the Indonesian resort island of Bali, stressing those who behave against local norms will be given sanctions. Over the past months, the Hindu-majority Island has seen increasing cases of delinquency by tourists, with some deported for posing naked or half-naked in areas considered […]

Shipping containers with inflammable material razed in Port Klang fire

KLANG: Containers carrying highly inflammable material caught fire at North Port here on Wednesday (June 7). Selangor Fire and Rescue Department assistant director (operations) Mohamadul Ehsan Mohd Zain said the incident occurred at 10.14am. “We received a distress call and dispatched fire engines, water tankers, aerial ladder platforms, Hazardous Materials (Hazmat) units as well as […]

Man who cut himself after wife’s scolding undergoes medical evaluation

PETALING JAYA: Police are still awaiting a full medical report for the man who cut himself after being scolded by his wife for wasting money. When asked if the suspect suffered from any disorder that compelled him to overspend, Petaling Jaya OCPD Asst Comm Mohamad Fakhrudin, when contacted Wednesday (June 7), said that the police […]

Mahkamah tolak permohonan reman SPRM terhadap ketua polis daerah

KUANTAN: Mahkamah Majistret di sini menolak permohonan reman oleh Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) terhadap seorang ketua polis daerah bagi membantu siasatan berhubung dakwaan menerima rasuah. Pada prosiding itu, Majistret Tengku Eliana Tuan Kamaruzaman menolak permohonan reman yang dikemukakan Timbalan Pendakwa Raya SPRM Rifah Izzati Abdul Mutalif mengikut Seksyen 117 Kanun Prosedur Jenayah (KPJ). Peguam […]

Rompak warga emas: Dua lelaki mengaku tidak bersalah

IPOH: Dua lelaki didakwa di Mahkamah Sesyen di sini hari ini atas tuduhan melakukan rompakan bersenjata terhadap warga emas, bulan lepas. Tertuduh, M Hari Chandran, 41 tahun, dan Lawrence Anthony Das, 39 tahun, bagaimanapun mengaku tidak bersalah dan minta dibicarakan selepas pertuduhan terhadap mereka dibacakan dalam bahasa Tamil di hadapan Hakim Ainul Shahrin Mohamad. Mengikut […]

Jokowi lawat Malaysia bertemu PM

PUTRAJAYA: Presiden Indonesia, Joko Widodo melakukan lawatan kerja ke Malaysia bermula pada hari ini sehingga esok dengan turut diiringi oleh isterinya, Iriana Jokowi. Menurut kenyataan Wisma Putra di sini, delegasi pemimpin dari negara jiran tersebut juga akan disertai dengan sejumlah menteri Kabinet dan para pegawai kerajaan republik itu. “Lawatan ini sangat signifikan dalam usaha kedua-dua […]

Unlocking the Path to a Healthful Diet

When it comes to achieving optimal nutrition and well-rounded health, it’s important to consider a variety of factors beyond a single herb. A balanced and diverse diet, along with regular exercise and other healthy lifestyle habits, play a crucial role in overall well-being. Balanced Diet: Aim for a balanced diet that includes a variety of […]